The Seasons come quickly around here.

Changing up a table can be made simple. Often, you look into your cupboards and wonder how you could you possibly change things up for that next dinner party.  What you may not realize is that you do not have to go out and buy a whole new set of tableware to impress your guests.  Adding one new piece to what you already have could do the trick; a patterned  plate to fit the season,  a beautiful glass dessert bowl, or even a colorful water goblet. Think about mixing up your dishes, intermixing  pieces together can make for an interesting and fun table.  For some reason we are afraid to step out of the box and experiment with a more eclectic sense of style.

Striking Vietri Old St.Nick are hand made and painted in Italy

Striking Vietri Old St.Nick are hand made and painted in Italy

Pick plates according to what you are serving, be sure to think of how it looks on a particular plate. Presentation is everything, a simple presentation of food on a white plate can make any food stand out. 

When it comes to linens on the table you can have so many choices. I personally like square patterned ones for so that I can toss them over larger solid ones to give the table some visual interest. The size of the table will determine the amount of squares one might use.  Keep in mind that they do not have to be the same size or pattern.    That will all depend on how formal of a gathering your having.  Center pieces, should stay close to the table, not so high as to block the view of those across the table from you.  But then again, I like to make a statement with the table piece; making it fun, and sometimes overstated to wow them when they walk in.  Just have place on a buffet or piano that it can be moved easily to before the dinner starts.  Hopefully you can use a few of these tips and have fun.